
Basic Usage

To use this SAFPIS REST API wrapper library:

from safpis.safpis import Safpis
from tabulate import tabulate

# First ensure you have your SAFPIS Data Publisher Token defined
# in the SAFPIS_SUBSCRIBER_TOKEN environmental variable.
# To be secure, it is best to store your SAFPIS Data Publisher
# Token in a file. We provide a convienient way to load the
# token from an ini-style config file using something like:
    ini = "secrets.cfg",
    section = "TEST",

safpis = Safpis()

# Get list of fuel types
print(tabulate(safpis._fuels(), headers="keys", tablefmt="pretty"))

# Get fuel by name or id
fuel = safpis.fuel_by_name("Unleaded")
fuel = safpis.fuel_by_id(2)

# Get list of brands
print(tabulate(safpis._brands(), headers="keys", tablefmt="pretty"))

# Get brand by name or id
brand = safpis.brand_by_name("Caltex")
brand = safpis.brand_by_id(2)

# Get the list of fuel stations
print(tabulate(safpis._fuel_stations(), headers="keys", tablefmt="pretty"))

# Get fuel stations sorted by distance to a particular location
latitude = -35.073360
longitude = 138.570401

# TODO: this function should allow a list of sites to be provided
# to it and also return the associated distances
fuel_stations = safpis.closest_fuel_stations(
print(tabulate(fuel_stations, headers="keys", tablefmt="pretty"))

# Get the distance to the closest fuel station
fuel_stations[0].distance(latitude, longitude)

# Get the ID's of the closest 5 fuel stations
[fuel_station.S for fuel_station in fuel_stations[0:5]]

# Get fuel stations for a particular brand
fuel_stations = safpis.fuel_stations_by_brand_name("EG Ampol")
print(tabulate(fuel_stations, headers="keys", tablefmt="pretty"))

# Get fuel stations for a particular brand within a certain
# distance
latitude = -35.073360
longitude = 138.570401
brand_name = "On the Run"
max_dist_km = 10

fuel_stations = sorted(
        lambda fuel_station: fuel_station.distance(latitude, longitude)
        <= max_dist_km,
    key=lambda fuel_station: fuel_station.distance(latitude, longitude),
print(tabulate(fuel_stations, headers="keys", tablefmt="pretty"))

Working with the REST API

To work more directly with the SAFPIS REST API, you can just import and use safpis.api. It provided little more than a wrapper around the API calls, with convienient default request parameters, appropriate caching of the requests and returning of the JSON response:

from safpis.api import SafpisAPI
from safpis.safpis import Safpis

# Load the token from a ini-style config file
    ini = "secrets.cfg",
    section = "TEST",

api = SafpisAPI()

# The GetCountryBrands endpoint
brands = api.GetCountryBrands()

# The GetCountryGeographicRegions endpoint
regions = api.GetCountryGeographicRegions()

# The GetCountryFuelTypes endpoint
fuel_types = api.GetCountryFuelTypes()

# The GetFullSiteDetails endpoint
fuel_stations = api.GetFullSiteDetails()

# The GetSitesPrices endpoint
prices = api.GetSitesPrices()

Home Assistant Rest Sensor

You can generate a rest sensor stub for a tracking the price of fuel at a fuel station of your choice:

# Generate a Home Assistant rest sensor for a particular
# type of fuel from a particular fuel station
def ha_fuel_sensor(fuel_station_id, fuel_id):
    site_name = safpis.fuel_station_by_id(fuel_station_id).N
    fuel_name = safpis.fuel_by_id(fuel_id).Name
    print(f'      - name: "{site_name} - {fuel_name}"')
    print(f'        value_template: "{{ ((value_json.SitePrices|selectattr(\'SiteId\',\'==\',{fuel_station_id})|selectattr(\'FuelId\', \'==\', {fuel_id})|first).Price / 1000) | round(3) }}"')
    print(f'        unit_of_measurement: AUD')
    print(f'        state_class: measurement')

# Using the above info, find the ID of a fuel station and fuel
# type for which you want a sensor
fuel_station_id = 61501319
fuel_id = 2

# Double-check the names

# Generate the rest sensor text
ha_fuel_sensor(fuel_station_id, fuel_id)
#ha_fuel_sensor(site_name = "EG Ampol Eden Hills", fuel_name = "Unleaded")